It is important to have a vision of what kind of website you want (restaurant, gallery, hotel, etc.) and how many tabs you wish to have. The ideal scenario is - you send me your logo, text, and photos. In other words - all kinds of information you want to have on your website.
It is needed to have a webhosting and domain. If you do not have it or do not know what it is, do not worry, I will be happy to help you with that.
Ukoliko nemate sopstveni text , nije nikakav problem, saradjujem sa copywriterom koji bi uz dodatno placanje bio u mogucnosi da napise text koji bi odgovarao vasim potrebama. Sa slikama vam mogu pomoci tako sto cu na web serverima naci slike koje odgovaraju vasem poslovnom karaktru.
No. My clients do not have to pay any deposit. You pay after the website is done and once you are fully satisfied with my work.
My motto is a satisfied client. If you do not like the website I created or do not meet your needs, you are not obliged to pay for them. That is also why I do not need any deposit from you - I want you to feel safe. You only pay for the done work and only if you are satisfied.
I am not a technical type of person. Will I be able to edit my website afterward?
I create the website on the WordPress platform, which has an elementary and intuitive administration. It is easy to learn to edit text, change pictures, etc. I introduce all my clients to this step by step, making sure that everything is clear.
Of course! You can feel free to reach out to me anytime in the future you will have difficulties with anything regarding website administration.

All your questions and suggestions you can send via form next to this text. I will answer you with pleasure, and try to achieve the solution that is the best for you.
PON - NED 09:00 - 22:00